Manuel Bauer

Microsoft 365: Fix Office license error 29

Because of a bad update some user experience an license error message ("Couldn't update license") within their Office applications (like Word or Excel), although owning an active Microsoft 365 sub...

Microsoft 365: Office Lizenz Fehler 29 beheben

Aufgrund eines fehlerhaften Updates erhalten einige Benutzer eine Lizenzfehlermeldung ("Lizenz konnte nicht aktualisiert werden") in den Office-Anwendungen (wie Word oder Excel), obwohl ein aktive...

Raspberry Pi: Disable swapfile

The default Raspberry Pi OS / Raspbian distribution for the Raspberry Pi ships with a default 100 MB swapfile which is stored on the SD card. If the swap space is not needed this file can be remov...

How to upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10

The Windows 8.1 support period will end on January 10, 2023 which means it is time to upgrade to Windows 10 as soon as possible. The upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 is quite simple, free and...

Use Docker with full IPv6 support

This guide shows how to use enable full IPv6 support in Docker, which provides as benefit, that the original IPv6 address of the incoming request will reach the container. This is essential when for...

Turn off LED status lights on a Raspberry Pi

Here is a way to disable the power, activity and ethernet LEDs on a Raspberry Pi with just a few additional lines in the /boot/config.txt file. The config.txt file can be ether edited via another c...

Use and embed Google Fonts GDPR and DSGVO compliant

Currently, many websites are being warned which have directly integrated Google Fonts on their websites. In the official way, the fonts are integrated directly from the Google server, which represe...

Google Fonts DSGVO-konform einbinden

Aktuell werden viele Webseiten abgemahnt, welche direkt Google Fonts auf ihren Webseiten eingebunden haben. Beim offiziellen Weg werden die Schriftarten direkt vom Google-Server eingebunden, was ei...

Use default system fonts for web pages

Some time ago I used the font Roboto for this blog (first loaded from Google Fonts, later directly hosted). I only used this font to ensure that the posts are displayed with a nicer font than the d...

Change image creation date to last modified date

During image organisation I stumbled upon some images which had some invalid file system dates. These had a creation date which was younger than the last modified date. Maybe some backup process ha...

macOS Mojave: Reactivate font smoothing

With the update to macOS Mojave, Apple disabled the default subpixel rendering, which smoothed fonts on not so high resolution displays. Even on my 27" monitor at work with a resolution of 2560x1...

Docker: Remove stopped containers and unused images

Docker version 1.25 introduced a new command to clean up stopped containers, unused images and more. With one command it is possible to reclaimed unnecessary space occupied by docker. docker syste...

macOS: Boot failed after update installation

My Mac refused today to boot because of this message: macOS could not be installed on your computer The path /System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg appears to be missing or damaged. Quit the...

Cleanup disk space used by Xcode

Some commands to clean up space occupied by Xcode. In my case I cleaned up approx. 50 GB of space. Remove old simulator images xcrun simctl delete unavailable Delete old iOS versions inside this ...

Time for a new blog

It's time to try something new. I replaced my old "just contact page" with a blog (and a about page). Maybe i post more stuff then 🤔 Let's see what happen :) It could easily happen that this bl...

Game Camp 2015 in München #gcmuc

Am 06. und 07 Juni 2015 war es wieder Zeit, die Pforten der Mediadesign Hochschule (kurz MD.H) öffneten sich für das diesjährige GameCamp Munich. Samstag Nachdem das Frühstück (danke an das We...

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Hello there, I'm Manuel a software developer based in Straubing, Germany.